How To Partner With Us
There are a lot of things going on at Gene Douglas By Faith Ministries and many ways to get involved. Here are some areas that Gene Douglas is available to serve at your Church or in your community.
Revivals & Speaking Engagements
Preaching the Word and pointing people to Jesus is something that Gene Douglas is very passionate about. Through the many years of being a pastor and evangelist, he has a deep desire to see the lost saved, the Church hungry for Jesus and pastors encouraged and renewed as spiritual leaders in their community. He has a genuine heart for people and longing for others to see their true potential and purpose through a life dedicated to their Lord and Savior. If you would like to book Gene Douglas for an upcoming revival or speaking engagement, click below to see a list of available dates.
Make a Donation
Community Outreach
Ministry opportunities are all around us. Sometimes, we think of missions as serving in a distant land, but there are many ways to serve right in front of us.  We would love to serve alongside you in your community. You can also contribute to outreach opportunities with Gene Douglas By Faith Ministries through volunteering, financial support and prayer.